Ask a Scientist connects you to some of the top scientists in the country, and each of them is connected to the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. If you've got a question about medicine, human biology, animals, biochemistry, microbiology, genetics, or evolution, then please, Ask a Scientist!
A list of questions and answers by category are listed. For example, what is the difference between stem cells generated from an 8-celled embryo and cells from an inner cell mass? (part answer: the inner cells give rise to an entire embryo). Or, how can scientists tell the difference between fresh and salt-water fossils? (One answer is to determine isotopes of oxygen). How can scientists tell whether fossil bones came from a dinosaur or some other animal? (mainly shape and size). Did fire-breathing dragons ever exist? The web page has sections also on science fair projects, homework help, personal health, and science careers.
Ask a Scientist
Posted: September 11, 2019 by MAEE Administration
Category: Sharing Environmental Education Knowledge (SEEK)
Ask a Scientist connects you to some of the top scientists in the country, and each of them is connected to the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. If you've got a question about medicine, human biology, animals, biochemistry, microbiology, genetics, or evolution, then please, Ask a Scientist!
A list of questions and answers by category are listed. For example, what is the difference between stem cells generated from an 8-celled embryo and cells from an inner cell mass? (part answer: the inner cells give rise to an entire embryo). Or, how can scientists tell the difference between fresh and salt-water fossils? (One answer is to determine isotopes of oxygen). How can scientists tell whether fossil bones came from a dinosaur or some other animal? (mainly shape and size). Did fire-breathing dragons ever exist? The web page has sections also on science fair projects, homework help, personal health, and science careers.