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We Learn, We Save, We Win (We3) Education Initiative is a project that links environmental activities and resources from state agencies and businesses to the classroom. One lesson from each of the partnering organizations was selected. The topics included in these lessons are biological control (grade 3), exploring water ecosystems (grade 5), energy conservation (grade 6), disease prevention (grade 7), and recycling (grades 8-12).
The We3 Education Initiative offers examples of hands-on, project-based lessons for Minnesota classrooms. These lessons will help teachers and students use their classroom and local environment as a "laboratory for systems thinking." Through applying the grade-appropriate concepts and skills addressed in Minnesota's Academic Standards across disciplines (with a special focus on science), students will look to their own classroom and local environment in terms of how it impacts, and is impacted by, natural and social systems.
We Learn: Students record observations and data that identify how they have learned and achieved academic benchmarks and learning objectives.
We Save: Students quantify their project outcomes in terms of savings (time, energy, money, health, natural world, etc.)
We Win: Students share how all have "won" because of their efforts.
The idea is to engage students with relevant and authentic investigative learning that begins at the classroom level, and expands outward from there to the school, school grounds, students' homes, and community.
The We3 Education Initiative was developed through a state agency partnership with support from the Minnesota Environmental Education Advisory Board (EEAB) and the Minnesota Environmental Education Advisory Task Force (EEATF). The project partners include the Minnesota Department of Education, the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, the Minnesota Department of Health, and the Minnesota Department of Agriculture.
"In this new century, education will increasingly mean the ability to think systemically-in terms of relationships, patterns, contexts, and processes." - Fritjof Capra, author, The Web of Life
We Learn, We Save, We Win (We3) Education Initiative
Posted: September 11, 2019 by MAEE Administration
Category: Sharing Environmental Education Knowledge (SEEK)
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We Learn, We Save, We Win (We3) Education Initiative is a project that links environmental activities and resources from state agencies and businesses to the classroom. One lesson from each of the partnering organizations was selected. The topics included in these lessons are biological control (grade 3), exploring water ecosystems (grade 5), energy conservation (grade 6), disease prevention (grade 7), and recycling (grades 8-12).
The We3 Education Initiative offers examples of hands-on, project-based lessons for Minnesota classrooms. These lessons will help teachers and students use their classroom and local environment as a "laboratory for systems thinking." Through applying the grade-appropriate concepts and skills addressed in Minnesota's Academic Standards across disciplines (with a special focus on science), students will look to their own classroom and local environment in terms of how it impacts, and is impacted by, natural and social systems.
The idea is to engage students with relevant and authentic investigative learning that begins at the classroom level, and expands outward from there to the school, school grounds, students' homes, and community.
The We3 Education Initiative was developed through a state agency partnership with support from the Minnesota Environmental Education Advisory Board (EEAB) and the Minnesota Environmental Education Advisory Task Force (EEATF). The project partners include the Minnesota Department of Education, the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, the Minnesota Department of Health, and the Minnesota Department of Agriculture.
"In this new century, education will increasingly mean the ability to think systemically-in terms of relationships, patterns, contexts, and processes." - Fritjof Capra, author, The Web of Life