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Juliette, a young teenager from the present, is magically transported to an underground world with strange noises, awful smells and weird surroundings - an angry landfill. She is joined by two companions; Gregory from the 1970's and Maya from the future. Juliette finds that the most important thing she can do is prevent trash from being created in the first place, and learns to rethink her bad habits so that they won't continue into the future. This play was created for grades four through eight. Available for loan.
Waste in Time
Posted: September 11, 2019 by MAEE Administration
Category: Minnesota Pollution Control Agency
Juliette, a young teenager from the present, is magically transported to an underground world with strange noises, awful smells and weird surroundings - an angry landfill. She is joined by two companions; Gregory from the 1970's and Maya from the future. Juliette finds that the most important thing she can do is prevent trash from being created in the first place, and learns to rethink her bad habits so that they won't continue into the future. This play was created for grades four through eight. Available for loan.