The US Forest Service is part of the federal Department of Agriculture. Their mission is to sustain the health, diversity, and productivity of the nation's forests and grasslands to meet the needs of present and future generations. Three parts of the Forest Service are located in Minnesota:
1. National Forest System-the Chippewa National Forest and Superior National Forest;
2. Research-the Northern Research Station office in St. Paul and field office in Grand Rapids MN;
3. State and Private Forestry-St. Paul Field office works with states of Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, and Wisconsin working collaboratively to protect, conserve, and manage state, industrial, and privately owned forests and forests in our cities and towns.
More information about the Forest Service is available at
The Forest Service Conservation Education (CE) program helps people of all ages understand and appreciate our country's natural resources -- and learn how to conserve those resources for future generations. Through structured educational experiences and activities targeted to varying age groups and populations, conservation education enables people to realize how natural resources and ecosystems affect each other and how resources can be used wisely. Information about the Forest Service conservation education program and materials can be found at:
For more information about other FS material please search out The Natural Inquirer, Smokey Bear, and Woodsy Owl.
USDA Forest Service
Posted: September 11, 2019 by MAEE Administration
Category: USDA Forest Service
The US Forest Service is part of the federal Department of Agriculture. Their mission is to sustain the health, diversity, and productivity of the nation's forests and grasslands to meet the needs of present and future generations. Three parts of the Forest Service are located in Minnesota:
1. National Forest System-the Chippewa National Forest and Superior National Forest;
2. Research-the Northern Research Station office in St. Paul and field office in Grand Rapids MN;
3. State and Private Forestry-St. Paul Field office works with states of Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, and Wisconsin working collaboratively to protect, conserve, and manage state, industrial, and privately owned forests and forests in our cities and towns.
More information about the Forest Service is available at
The Forest Service Conservation Education (CE) program helps people of all ages understand and appreciate our country's natural resources -- and learn how to conserve those resources for future generations. Through structured educational experiences and activities targeted to varying age groups and populations, conservation education enables people to realize how natural resources and ecosystems affect each other and how resources can be used wisely. Information about the Forest Service conservation education program and materials can be found at:
For more information about other FS material please search out The Natural Inquirer, Smokey Bear, and Woodsy Owl.