The Center for Environmental Education is dedicated to facilitating leadership and educational experiences that foster environmental sustainability through outdoor and environmental education. We value an integrated approach to environmental sustainability, as well as an experiential-based approach to engaging students in the environmental challenges of our local, regional, and international communities. We aim for excellence in outdoor and environmental education, leadership, and scholarship.
Our vision is to be a leader in education for sustainability by serving as a catalyst for collaboration among campus departments and community organizations, sponsoring educational opportunities, facilitating outreach and civic engagement opportunities with off-campus organizations and agencies, and encouraging research activities that support the goals of environmental sustainability.
UMD Center for Environmental Education
Posted: September 11, 2019 by MAEE Administration
Category: University of Minnesota Duluth
The Center for Environmental Education is dedicated to facilitating leadership and educational experiences that foster environmental sustainability through outdoor and environmental education. We value an integrated approach to environmental sustainability, as well as an experiential-based approach to engaging students in the environmental challenges of our local, regional, and international communities. We aim for excellence in outdoor and environmental education, leadership, and scholarship.
Our vision is to be a leader in education for sustainability by serving as a catalyst for collaboration among campus departments and community organizations, sponsoring educational opportunities, facilitating outreach and civic engagement opportunities with off-campus organizations and agencies, and encouraging research activities that support the goals of environmental sustainability.