Sesame Street Explores National Parks is a partnership between the National Park Services and Sesame Street. Two popular Sesame Street characters, Elmo and Mary, explore six national parks. At the parks they learn about sciences and make connections between the parks they are visiting and their own backyards.
A 12-page, free online Educator's Guide includes multiple lessons. Each lesson has an accompanying video that features Elmo and Mary and a Park Ranger. Lesson topics include Nests, Habitats, Seasons, and Families. Lessons teach kids what park rangers do, in addition to discovering different animals, learning about the parks, etc. This comprehensive site includes games, songs, crafts, definitions, and much more.
Sesame Street Explores National Parks is produced in partnership with the National Park Service and the National Park Foundation. Special thanks to Grand Canyon National Park and Gateway National Recreation Area.
For more information visit
Sesame Street Explores National Parks
Posted: September 11, 2019 by MAEE Administration
Category: Sharing Environmental Education Knowledge (SEEK)
Sesame Street Explores National Parks is a partnership between the National Park Services and Sesame Street. Two popular Sesame Street characters, Elmo and Mary, explore six national parks. At the parks they learn about sciences and make connections between the parks they are visiting and their own backyards.
A 12-page, free online Educator's Guide includes multiple lessons. Each lesson has an accompanying video that features Elmo and Mary and a Park Ranger. Lesson topics include Nests, Habitats, Seasons, and Families. Lessons teach kids what park rangers do, in addition to discovering different animals, learning about the parks, etc. This comprehensive site includes games, songs, crafts, definitions, and much more.
Sesame Street Explores National Parks is produced in partnership with the National Park Service and the National Park Foundation. Special thanks to Grand Canyon National Park and Gateway National Recreation Area.
For more information visit