About Minnesota Clean Energy Resource Teams (CERTs)
The Clean Energy Resource Teams-or CERTs-are a statewide partnership with a shared mission to connect individuals and their communities to the resources they need to identify and implement community-based clean energy projects.
We empower communities and their members to adopt energy conservation, energy efficiency, and renewable energy technologies and practices for their homes, businesses, and local institutions.
Seed Grant Funding
The Minnesota Clean Energy Resource Teams (CERTs) provides limited financial assistance for energy efficiency and/or renewable energy projects requiring technical assistance. Project funding can support technical assistance services (i.e. labor costs only, such as for a consultant, design professional, installer, or student labor), for projects in all seven Minnesota CERT regions: Central, Metro, Northeast, Northwest, Southeast, Southwest, and West Central.
The primary objectives of this funding are to:
Encourage the implementation of community-based energy efficiency and renewable energy projects in Minnesota CERT regions
Provide a forum for community education about energy efficiency and renewable energy technologies and their economic, ecological, and community benefits.
Funding for these projects is provided through the MN Department of Commerce, Division of Energy Resources.
To view the most recent information and timeline for the Seed Grant funding opportunity, visit http://www.cleanenergyresourceteams.org/rfp.
Seed Grant Funding for Community-Based Renewable/Efficient Energy Projects
Posted: September 11, 2019 by MAEE Administration
Category: Sharing Environmental Education Knowledge (SEEK)
About Minnesota Clean Energy Resource Teams (CERTs)
The Clean Energy Resource Teams-or CERTs-are a statewide partnership with a shared mission to connect individuals and their communities to the resources they need to identify and implement community-based clean energy projects.
We empower communities and their members to adopt energy conservation, energy efficiency, and renewable energy technologies and practices for their homes, businesses, and local institutions.
Seed Grant Funding
The Minnesota Clean Energy Resource Teams (CERTs) provides limited financial assistance for energy efficiency and/or renewable energy projects requiring technical assistance. Project funding can support technical assistance services (i.e. labor costs only, such as for a consultant, design professional, installer, or student labor), for projects in all seven Minnesota CERT regions: Central, Metro, Northeast, Northwest, Southeast, Southwest, and West Central.
The primary objectives of this funding are to:
Funding for these projects is provided through the MN Department of Commerce, Division of Energy Resources.
To view the most recent information and timeline for the Seed Grant funding opportunity, visit http://www.cleanenergyresourceteams.org/rfp.