Compostable food waste can be turned into a valuable soil amendment, compost. However most ends up in landfills or is sent down the drain through a garbage disposal. This video takes a look at Western Lake Superior Sanitary District's (WLSSD) organic waste composting facility, and how separating food waste is smart, easy and a part of a natural cycle that makes good sense. Local businesses show how easy it is to separate and participate in food waste composting. The differences between commercial composting and backyard composting are also explained.
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Harvesting the Leftovers: Turning Food Waste info Compost at WLSSD
Posted: September 11, 2019 by MAEE Administration
Category: Western Lake Superior Sanitary District (WLSSD)
Compostable food waste can be turned into a valuable soil amendment, compost. However most ends up in landfills or is sent down the drain through a garbage disposal. This video takes a look at Western Lake Superior Sanitary District's (WLSSD) organic waste composting facility, and how separating food waste is smart, easy and a part of a natural cycle that makes good sense. Local businesses show how easy it is to separate and participate in food waste composting. The differences between commercial composting and backyard composting are also explained.