The Minnesota Ground Water Association (MGWA) is a non-profit, volunteer organization dedicated to the following primary objectives:
Promotion and encouragement of the scientific and public policy aspects of ground water;
Establishing a common forum for scientists, engineers, planners, educators, attorneys, and other persons concerned with ground water;
Education of the general public regarding ground water resources;
Dissemination of information on ground water through meetings of the membership.
MGWA publishes a quarterly newsletter and annual directory, and sponsors two conferences each year on timely issues concerning policy and scientific aspects of ground water.
The MGWA Ground Water Education Committee is dedicated to educating people about ground water. We promote partnerships with those that provide education about ground water, provide educators with tools for teaching students about ground water, and provide information to citizens, legislators, and resource managers to help them understand how they can protect ground water.
Our website has a section for educators titled (groundwater), "Lesson Plans/Activities/Stunts". It includes free lessons that you can download for grades K-12 and includes lessons from the National Science Foundation and the Peace Corps.
To view or download the lessons, visit
Ground Water Lessons & Activities
Posted: September 11, 2019 by MAEE Administration
Category: Sharing Environmental Education Knowledge (SEEK)
The Minnesota Ground Water Association (MGWA) is a non-profit, volunteer organization dedicated to the following primary objectives:
MGWA publishes a quarterly newsletter and annual directory, and sponsors two conferences each year on timely issues concerning policy and scientific aspects of ground water.
The MGWA Ground Water Education Committee is dedicated to educating people about ground water. We promote partnerships with those that provide education about ground water, provide educators with tools for teaching students about ground water, and provide information to citizens, legislators, and resource managers to help them understand how they can protect ground water.
Our website has a section for educators titled (groundwater), "Lesson Plans/Activities/Stunts". It includes free lessons that you can download for grades K-12 and includes lessons from the National Science Foundation and the Peace Corps.
To view or download the lessons, visit