The Great Lakes provide a unique educational opportunity to students and residents of all ages.
Great Lakes FieldScope is a web-based mapping, analysis and visualization tool, hosted by the National Geographic Society, that can be used to investigate real-world matters like water quality or fish spawning grounds. The rich geographic context helps people gain a better understanding of their connection to the Great Lakes.
Users can explore rivers and streams, watershed boundaries, water depth, political boundaries, elevation and land cover. FieldScope participants can upload their own field data-including photos, measurements and field notes-and compare it with data collected from other areas.
Looking for classroom lessons to use with Great Lakes FieldScope? Explore topics about Great Lakes science, technology, engineering, and math. Go to
Teaching Great Lakes Science is a website that offers lessons, related activities and data sets. The resources are easily incorporated into existing curriculum and are multidisciplinary, addressing science, technology, engineering and math subjects.
Michigan Sea Grant helps foster economic growth and protect Michigan's coastal, Great Lakes resources through research, education and outreach. Michigan Sea Grant partnered with Eastern Michigan University, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, the U.S. Geological Survey's Great Lakes Science Center, the Great Lakes Observing System and National Geographic to create the educational tools.
For more information visit Great Lakes FieldScope:
Great Lakes FieldScope
Posted: September 11, 2019 by MAEE Administration
Category: Sharing Environmental Education Knowledge (SEEK)
The Great Lakes provide a unique educational opportunity to students and residents of all ages.
Great Lakes FieldScope is a web-based mapping, analysis and visualization tool, hosted by the National Geographic Society, that can be used to investigate real-world matters like water quality or fish spawning grounds. The rich geographic context helps people gain a better understanding of their connection to the Great Lakes.
Users can explore rivers and streams, watershed boundaries, water depth, political boundaries, elevation and land cover. FieldScope participants can upload their own field data-including photos, measurements and field notes-and compare it with data collected from other areas.
Looking for classroom lessons to use with Great Lakes FieldScope? Explore topics about Great Lakes science, technology, engineering, and math. Go to
Teaching Great Lakes Science is a website that offers lessons, related activities and data sets. The resources are easily incorporated into existing curriculum and are multidisciplinary, addressing science, technology, engineering and math subjects.
Michigan Sea Grant helps foster economic growth and protect Michigan's coastal, Great Lakes resources through research, education and outreach. Michigan Sea Grant partnered with Eastern Michigan University, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, the U.S. Geological Survey's Great Lakes Science Center, the Great Lakes Observing System and National Geographic to create the educational tools.
For more information visit Great Lakes FieldScope: