How-to manual with fundamentals, case studies, information, and models of working in education and communication in national and international programs.
This how-to manual targets organizations and practitioners developing an environmental education or communication project. The document presents case studies to share experiences, information, and models of working in education. There are 15 chapters in 4 sections.
This manual was designed for those who make policy and design programs that affect peopleand the environment. The chapters and case studies are designed to share experiences, information, and models of working in education and communication. Section One, Fundamental Concepts in Environmental Education and Communication (EE&C), provides an orientation to four theoretical perspectives that have shaped GreenCOM's approach to environmental education and communication projects: behavior change, participation, gender, and systems thinking. Each has its own research framework and following, yet each contributes an important set of ideas to environmental educationand communication activities.
In Section Two, Planning EE&C Programs, a variety of experiences illustrate the basic process of designing education and communication programs: needs assessment, formative research, pretesting, and evaluation. Taken together they form a reliable and well-tested model for program development.
Section Three, Conducting EE&C Activities, looks at staff and participant training workshops, mass media campaigns, and how EE&C can affect public policy.
Section Four, Putting It All Together, highlights several successful countrywide strategies. These cases illustrate some of the diverse approaches to building capacity and planning and implementing environmental education and communication. The projects involved training, policy initiatives, awards schemes, curriculum development, and multi-faceted communication campaigns.
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142 pages
Publication: 2000
Environmental Education & Communication for a Sustainable World: Handbook for International Practitioners
Posted: September 11, 2019 by MAEE Administration
Category: Sharing Environmental Education Knowledge (SEEK)
How-to manual with fundamentals, case studies, information, and models of working in education and communication in national and international programs.
This how-to manual targets organizations and practitioners developing an environmental education or communication project. The document presents case studies to share experiences, information, and models of working in education. There are 15 chapters in 4 sections.
This manual was designed for those who make policy and design programs that affect peopleand the environment. The chapters and case studies are designed to share experiences, information, and models of working in education and communication. Section One, Fundamental Concepts in Environmental Education and Communication (EE&C), provides an orientation to four theoretical perspectives that have shaped GreenCOM's approach to environmental education and communication projects: behavior change, participation, gender, and systems thinking. Each has its own research framework and following, yet each contributes an important set of ideas to environmental educationand communication activities.
In Section Two, Planning EE&C Programs, a variety of experiences illustrate the basic process of designing education and communication programs: needs assessment, formative research, pretesting, and evaluation. Taken together they form a reliable and well-tested model for program development.
Section Three, Conducting EE&C Activities, looks at staff and participant training workshops, mass media campaigns, and how EE&C can affect public policy.
Section Four, Putting It All Together, highlights several successful countrywide strategies. These cases illustrate some of the diverse approaches to building capacity and planning and implementing environmental education and communication. The projects involved training, policy initiatives, awards schemes, curriculum development, and multi-faceted communication campaigns.
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142 pages
Publication: 2000