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The Environmental Education Advisory Task Force (EEATF) was created under the authority of the Commissioner of the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) and existed from July 1, 2008 through June 30, 2010. The EEATF members consisted of Minnesota environmental education professionals, selected from around the state and representing various sectors of the EE community. The task force met on the first Thursday of the month from 12:30p.m. - 3:30p.m. at the offices of the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (St. Paul).
The EEATF was charged with the following environmental education projects:
- Environmental Learning in Minnesota (ELM) Grant Program The task force partnered with the Minnesota Association for Environmental Education (MAEE) to execute this new grant program that was envisioned by the Environmental Education Advisory Board. The ELM Grant Program was established to support opportunities for Minnesota citizens, particularily students, to enagage in "real world" environmental learning experiences.
- We Learn, We Save, We Win (We3) Education Initiative
We Learn, We Save, We Win (We3) Education Initiative is a project that links environmental lessons from state agencies and businesses to the K-12 classroom. One environmental lesson from each of the partnering organizations was chosen for this project. They are hands-on, project-based lessons that will help teachers and students use their classroom and local environment as a "laboratory for systems thinking." Through applying the grade-appropriate concepts and skills addressed in Minnesota's Academic Standards across disciplines (with a special focus on science), students will look to their own classroom and local environment in terms of how it impacts, and is impacted by, natural and social systems.
- A GreenPrint for Minnesota: State Plan for Environmental Education (Third Edition)
The task force provided strategy and direction for the marketing and use of A GreenPrint for Minnesota: State Plan for Environmental Education, Third Edition (GreenPrint). The GreenPrint is the state plan for environmental education for 2008-2018. It was developed by the Environmental Education Advisory Board and supporting staff with input from the environmental education community. The GreenPrint is designed to serve those who educate, provide funds, develop programs, support efforts, and/or set policies that affect environmental education in Minnesota.
- Climate Change Education The task force was asked to develop a comprehensive strategy for climate change education for all audience sectors in the state plan for environmental education. This task was later tabled by the Commissioner.
The EEATF took the place of the Environmental Education Advisory Board (EEAB) whose work inadvertently "sunset" in June 2008 by legislative mandate. The (EEAB) was the state board that guided the direction of environmental education in Minnesota. It was created by the 1990 Environmental Education Act (M.S. 1998, Chap. 115A.072) to promote environmental literacy for all Minnesota citizens. The Board accomplished this by advising the governor through the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, state agencies, organizations and citizens on the implementation of A GreenPrint for Minnesota: State Plan for Environmental Education.
Environmental Education Advisory Task Force (EEATF)
Posted: September 11, 2019 by MAEE Administration
Category: Sharing Environmental Education Knowledge (SEEK)
The Environmental Education Advisory Task Force (EEATF) was created under the authority of the Commissioner of the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) and existed from July 1, 2008 through June 30, 2010. The EEATF members consisted of Minnesota environmental education professionals, selected from around the state and representing various sectors of the EE community. The task force met on the first Thursday of the month from 12:30p.m. - 3:30p.m. at the offices of the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (St. Paul).
The EEATF was charged with the following environmental education projects:
We Learn, We Save, We Win (We3) Education Initiative is a project that links environmental lessons from state agencies and businesses to the K-12 classroom. One environmental lesson from each of the partnering organizations was chosen for this project. They are hands-on, project-based lessons that will help teachers and students use their classroom and local environment as a "laboratory for systems thinking." Through applying the grade-appropriate concepts and skills addressed in Minnesota's Academic Standards across disciplines (with a special focus on science), students will look to their own classroom and local environment in terms of how it impacts, and is impacted by, natural and social systems.
The task force provided strategy and direction for the marketing and use of A GreenPrint for Minnesota: State Plan for Environmental Education, Third Edition (GreenPrint). The GreenPrint is the state plan for environmental education for 2008-2018. It was developed by the Environmental Education Advisory Board and supporting staff with input from the environmental education community. The GreenPrint is designed to serve those who educate, provide funds, develop programs, support efforts, and/or set policies that affect environmental education in Minnesota.
The EEATF took the place of the Environmental Education Advisory Board (EEAB) whose work inadvertently "sunset" in June 2008 by legislative mandate. The (EEAB) was the state board that guided the direction of environmental education in Minnesota. It was created by the 1990 Environmental Education Act (M.S. 1998, Chap. 115A.072) to promote environmental literacy for all Minnesota citizens. The Board accomplished this by advising the governor through the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, state agencies, organizations and citizens on the implementation of A GreenPrint for Minnesota: State Plan for Environmental Education.