Earth Adventure is a nonprofit organization with the mission to is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to improve K-12 science, geography, and standards-based aptitudes and competencies through supplemental learning activities and programs which enhance classroom curriculum.
Earth Adventure utilizes our unique tools the Earth Balloon® Portable Classroom and the Earth Walk® Floor Map to create enthusiasm and promote a sense of discovery among students. All programs are standards-based and grade level appropriate.
The Earth Balloon is a highly detailed twenty foot model of the earth using state of the art, high resolution satellite imagery. Students explore and learn geography and science concepts as they travel around our planet on a mission of discovery. The most exciting part of the Earth Balloon experience is when students go inside the Earth Balloon to learn geography concepts in a new and exciting way. The Earth Balloon requires an indoor area with a 17 foot ceiling.
Earth Walk is a 16' X 20' foot floor map of the continental United States featuring high-resolution satellite imagery. Students explore and learn geography and science concepts while traveling throughout the various regions of our Country.
A certified Earth Adventure teacher will travel to your school and facilitate 6-12 programs per day.
To name a few of the EA programs:
Hello - Meet the Earth: Geography and earth science overview (Earth Balloon)
The Fractured Earth: Earthquakes, volcanoes and plate tectonics (Earth Balloon)
It's a Jungle Out There: Rainforests and ecosystems (Earth Balloon)
All About Water!: Water resources around the world (Earth Balloon)
Geography on the Go!: Natural resources (lakes, rivers, mountains), states, capitols and regions (EarthWalk)
Walk Your Watershed: All about water (EarthWalk)
Pricing information can be found online at
Earth Adventure (Earth Balloon) – Interactive K-12 standards-based programs
Posted: September 11, 2019 by MAEE Administration
Category: Sharing Environmental Education Knowledge (SEEK)
Earth Adventure is a nonprofit organization with the mission to is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to improve K-12 science, geography, and standards-based aptitudes and competencies through supplemental learning activities and programs which enhance classroom curriculum.
Earth Adventure utilizes our unique tools the Earth Balloon® Portable Classroom and the Earth Walk® Floor Map to create enthusiasm and promote a sense of discovery among students. All programs are standards-based and grade level appropriate.
The Earth Balloon is a highly detailed twenty foot model of the earth using state of the art, high resolution satellite imagery. Students explore and learn geography and science concepts as they travel around our planet on a mission of discovery. The most exciting part of the Earth Balloon experience is when students go inside the Earth Balloon to learn geography concepts in a new and exciting way. The Earth Balloon requires an indoor area with a 17 foot ceiling.
Earth Walk is a 16' X 20' foot floor map of the continental United States featuring high-resolution satellite imagery. Students explore and learn geography and science concepts while traveling throughout the various regions of our Country.
A certified Earth Adventure teacher will travel to your school and facilitate 6-12 programs per day.
To name a few of the EA programs:
Pricing information can be found online at