Freshwater Future's mission is to ensure the healthy future of our waters in the Great Lakes region.
The Great Lakes are an international treasure like no other in the world-and they are at risk. Freshwater Future works to ensure the health of the Great Lakes for our children, grandchildren and future generations. We are dedicated to the belief that individuals can and do make a difference.
Climate Grants: The Climate Grants Program provides awards ranging from $500 to $5,000 (USD) for projects that engage communities, particularly in urban areas, in preparing for, and responding to, climate change impacts. This includes engagement in decision-making that takes climate change impacts into account. Freshwater Future will offer two Climate Symposia in 2013 to train community members on the impacts of climate change and impacts on their work. Attendance at a Climate Symposium is strongly encouraged for climate grant applicants to develop a competitive proposal. E-mail Ann Baughman at for more information and to be placed on a priority notification list for these opportunities.
Priority funding: The following program areas direct Freshwater Future's grant making for the Spring and Fall 2013 funding cycles. Projects to protect and restore shorelines, inland lakes, rivers, and wetlands in the Great Lakes Basin under the following strategic program areas will be considered:
Projects to protect and restore wetlands;
On-the-ground restoration activities that incorporate climate adaptation and include an action component to create permanent change (a small amount of funding for this area);
Advocating for low-impact solutions to community storm water problems;
Participation in land use planning and zoning that includes climate related considerations;
Participation in watershed planning to introduce climate related components;
Watch-dogging and participating in the development, implementation, and enforcement of local, state, provincial, and federal aquatic habitat protection regulations as they relate to climate;
Advocating for naturally functioning river and coastal ecosystems;
Reducing polluted runoff; and
Launching special initiatives or creating unique opportunities to strengthen citizen involvement in aquatic habitat protection and restoration related to climate adaptation.
For more information, visit
Climate Grants
Posted: September 11, 2019 by MAEE Administration
Category: Sharing Environmental Education Knowledge (SEEK)
Freshwater Future's mission is to ensure the healthy future of our waters in the Great Lakes region.
The Great Lakes are an international treasure like no other in the world-and they are at risk. Freshwater Future works to ensure the health of the Great Lakes for our children, grandchildren and future generations. We are dedicated to the belief that individuals can and do make a difference.
Climate Grants: The Climate Grants Program provides awards ranging from $500 to $5,000 (USD) for projects that engage communities, particularly in urban areas, in preparing for, and responding to, climate change impacts. This includes engagement in decision-making that takes climate change impacts into account. Freshwater Future will offer two Climate Symposia in 2013 to train community members on the impacts of climate change and impacts on their work. Attendance at a Climate Symposium is strongly encouraged for climate grant applicants to develop a competitive proposal. E-mail Ann Baughman at for more information and to be placed on a priority notification list for these opportunities.
Priority funding: The following program areas direct Freshwater Future's grant making for the Spring and Fall 2013 funding cycles. Projects to protect and restore shorelines, inland lakes, rivers, and wetlands in the Great Lakes Basin under the following strategic program areas will be considered:
For more information, visit