Based on two highly acclaimed PBS documentaries, "Affluenza" and "Escape from Affluenza", this book uses the whimsical metaphor of a disease to tackle a very serious subject: the damage done -- to our health, our families, our communities, and our environment -- by the obsessive quest for material gain. In cleverly titled chapters like "Swollen Expectations" and "A Rash of Bankruptcies," the authors examine the origins, evolution, and symptoms of the affluenza epidemic. Yet they also explore cures and suggest strategies for rebuilding families and communities and for restoring and respecting the earth.
Demonstrating that now, more than ever, Americans need ways of fighting the affliction, this edition includes a new introduction and updated figures, adds information on the impacts of stress and overwork, and provides an in-depth look at various campaigns and movements offering solutions for today's problems. Engaging, fast-paced, and accessible, it reexamines a serious, far-reaching issue for a wide audience.
ISBN-10: 1576753573
ISBN-13: 978-1576753576
About the Authors
John de Graaf is the national coordinator of Take Back Your Time Day, an annual event scheduled for October 24th, (see and a frequent speaker on issues of overwork and over-consumption in America.
David Wann has written and edited seven books and hundreds of articles, and has produced many videos and television programs about sustainable designs and lifestyles. He is the current president of the Sustainable Futures Society, a non-profit organisation.
Professor Emeritus of Economics at Duke University, Thomas H. Naylor is a writer and social critic who has also taught at Middlebury College and the University of Vermont. As an international management consultant specializing in strategic management, Dr. Naylor has advised major corporations and governments in over thirty countries.
Affluenza: The All Consuming Epidemic
Posted: September 11, 2019 by MAEE Administration
Category: Sharing Environmental Education Knowledge (SEEK)
Based on two highly acclaimed PBS documentaries, "Affluenza" and "Escape from Affluenza", this book uses the whimsical metaphor of a disease to tackle a very serious subject: the damage done -- to our health, our families, our communities, and our environment -- by the obsessive quest for material gain. In cleverly titled chapters like "Swollen Expectations" and "A Rash of Bankruptcies," the authors examine the origins, evolution, and symptoms of the affluenza epidemic. Yet they also explore cures and suggest strategies for rebuilding families and communities and for restoring and respecting the earth.
Demonstrating that now, more than ever, Americans need ways of fighting the affliction, this edition includes a new introduction and updated figures, adds information on the impacts of stress and overwork, and provides an in-depth look at various campaigns and movements offering solutions for today's problems. Engaging, fast-paced, and accessible, it reexamines a serious, far-reaching issue for a wide audience.
ISBN-10: 1576753573
ISBN-13: 978-1576753576
About the Authors