Minnesota Trout Unlimited (MNTU) is seeking professional assistance with raising funds to continue its successful outdoor education program.
Background: MNTU’s mission is to protect, restore and sustain coldwater fisheries and their watersheds around Minnesota. Educating the next generation of voters and decisionmakers about watershed function and health is part of our long-term strategy. To that end, for the past five years MNTU has run an outdoor education program in Minnesota classrooms for grades 5 to 12. The program combines the use of classroom aquariums, in which students raise fish from eggs for release in local waters, with outdoor field lessons focused on watersheds and water quality.
Budget: The successful program currently operates with state grant funding, which ends in July 2021. The annual budget of this high-quality education program ranges from $100,000 to $120,000, which includes the costs of operations, staffing and materials. We are seeking grant or sponsorship funding from one or more corporations or foundations to continue the program. We anticipate an ongoing relationship with the grants consultant hired through this RFP, assuming mutual satisfaction and success.
Scope of Work: MNTU wishes to retain a qualified grants consultant to generate support for its outdoor education program. We are seeking a consultant to begin work on this project no later than the end of January 2021 to deliver the following, in coordination with the executive director and certain of MNTU’s board of directors:
- Create a grants fundraising plan targeting foundations and corporations
- Conduct prospect research to generate a list of targeted foundations and corporations who fund youth environmental education
- Develop and manage an annual grants calendar
- Provide grant writing services, including creating a basic letter of intent, revising/rewriting grant proposals, and developing any needed marketing materials
- Set up and conduct meetings, site visits or videoconferences with top prospects, as needed
- Compile and submit grant proposals
- Write acknowledgments and any required grant reports
- Develop a plan for donor stewardship activities
Proposal Submission: Proposals must be emailed to Executive Director, John Lenczewski at jlenczewski@comcast.net by January 11, 2021. Proposals must include the following:
- A summary of your experience and qualifications for raising funds for nonprofit organizations from corporations and foundations. If key staff other than yourself will perform any of the contracted work, provide their experience and qualifications too.
- Two to three references of your nonprofit clients for whom you have performed similar services.
- List of up to five funded grants which you developed detailing the funding source, amount requested and amount funded. The funding source must be described, but need not be specifically identified.
- Letter of interest addressing how the Scope of Work, as outlined above, will be accomplished, including a timeline.
- Fee proposal, including hourly rates of staff to be assigned to the project.
Questions? Contact John Lenczewski at (612) 670-1629 or jlenczewski@comcast.net. Proposals will be reviewed beginning January 11, 2021 at Noon, with interviews to follow and a commitment secured by late January. Thank you for your interest!
Grants Consultant
Posted: December 31, 2020 by MAEE Administration
Category: Minnesota Trout Unlimited
Minnesota Trout Unlimited (MNTU) is seeking professional assistance with raising funds to continue its successful outdoor education program.
Background: MNTU’s mission is to protect, restore and sustain coldwater fisheries and their watersheds around Minnesota. Educating the next generation of voters and decisionmakers about watershed function and health is part of our long-term strategy. To that end, for the past five years MNTU has run an outdoor education program in Minnesota classrooms for grades 5 to 12. The program combines the use of classroom aquariums, in which students raise fish from eggs for release in local waters, with outdoor field lessons focused on watersheds and water quality.
Budget: The successful program currently operates with state grant funding, which ends in July 2021. The annual budget of this high-quality education program ranges from $100,000 to $120,000, which includes the costs of operations, staffing and materials. We are seeking grant or sponsorship funding from one or more corporations or foundations to continue the program. We anticipate an ongoing relationship with the grants consultant hired through this RFP, assuming mutual satisfaction and success.
Scope of Work: MNTU wishes to retain a qualified grants consultant to generate support for its outdoor education program. We are seeking a consultant to begin work on this project no later than the end of January 2021 to deliver the following, in coordination with the executive director and certain of MNTU’s board of directors:
Proposal Submission: Proposals must be emailed to Executive Director, John Lenczewski at jlenczewski@comcast.net by January 11, 2021. Proposals must include the following:
Questions? Contact John Lenczewski at (612) 670-1629 or jlenczewski@comcast.net. Proposals will be reviewed beginning January 11, 2021 at Noon, with interviews to follow and a commitment secured by late January. Thank you for your interest!
Minnesota Trout Unlimited (MNTU) is seeking professional assistance with raising funds to continue its successful outdoor education program.
Background: MNTU’s mission is to protect, restore and sustain coldwater fisheries and their watersheds around Minnesota. Educating the next generation of voters and decisionmakers about watershed function and health is part of our long-term strategy. To that end, for the past five years MNTU has run an outdoor education program in Minnesota classrooms for grades 5 to 12. The program combines the use of classroom aquariums, in which students raise fish from eggs for release in local waters, with outdoor field lessons focused on watersheds and water quality.
Budget: The successful program currently operates with state grant funding, which ends in July 2021. The annual budget of this high-quality education program ranges from $100,000 to $120,000, which includes the costs of operations, staffing and materials. We are seeking grant or sponsorship funding from one or more corporations or foundations to continue the program. We anticipate an ongoing relationship with the grants consultant hired through this RFP, assuming mutual satisfaction and success.
Scope of Work: MNTU wishes to retain a qualified grants consultant to generate support for its outdoor education program. We are seeking a consultant to begin work on this project no later than the end of January 2021 to deliver the following, in coordination with the executive director and certain of MNTU’s board of directors:
Proposal Submission: Proposals must be emailed to Executive Director, John Lenczewski at jlenczewski@comcast.net by January 11, 2021. Proposals must include the following:
Questions? Contact John Lenczewski at (612) 670-1629 or jlenczewski@comcast.net. Proposals will be reviewed beginning January 11, 2021 at Noon, with interviews to follow and a commitment secured by late January. Thank you for your interest!