Saturday, October 10, 2020
8:00 AM-2:00 PM
Virtual Conference Schedule:
- 8:00 AM - Global Coffee Talk
- 9:00 AM - Welcome and Keynote
- 10:00 AM - Session A (Monarch Conservation, MPCA Citizen Water Monitoring and Pesky Plant Trackers)
- 11:00 AM - Session B (Carp Tracking, Great Lakes Worm Watch and iNaturalist)
- 12:00 PM - Lunch time Nature Trivia
- 1:00 PM - MAEE Strategic Planning Workshop
Join Minnesota Association for Environmental Education (MAEE) for our annual conference virtually this year! MAEE is excited to connect participants with local citizen and community science projects including Monarch Conservation, Carp Tracking, Pesky Plant Tracker, Citizen Water Monitoring, iNaturalist, and Worm Rangers. Keynote presenter Carrol Henderson will take us on a dive into the history of local citizen science, as well as give us some perspective from his personal experience as a renowned hero for Minnesota wildlife. We will break out into sessions to learn more about the projects from the experts who facilitate the work and have a chance to discuss and ask questions. Over lunch, we will play Nature Trivia for some fun (family members invited!) and participants are welcomed to take part in a MAEE strategic planning meeting. Earn up to 8 CEUs for training time and attendance during the conference.
Let’s face it, many of us are spending more time at home with more time on our hands than we may have planned for this summer. The MAEE virtual conference is an opportunity for participants to embrace local citizen and community science projects on their own time and in their own space AND connect with others in the environmental education community who are doing the same thing!
How will it work: First, registrants will pick one or two projects during online registration. The next step will be to get trained in by the facilitator via online videos, fact sheets and more. Then it’s time to go out in the field and partake in some citizen science! During this time frame (late July through early October) participants will be connected with each other and the facilitator via Slack. The virtual “meet up” will be on Saturday, October 10th. It is a half-day online conference for people to learn, network, and connect with one another over local science.
Get the conference started with Global Coffee Talk!
Grab a cup of coffee and join local and national experts as we discuss current and changing terminology when it comes to Citizen Science! We will be joined by Andrea Lorek Stauss, University of Minnesota Extension Educator, and Jennifer Shirk, Executive Director of the Citizen Science Association. Registration for Global Coffee Talk is part of your conference registration, but you can also register for this discussion separately for free...so invite your colleagues and friends! Each registration for this event (including full conference) will be entered into a prize drawing!
MAEE Annual Conference
Posted: August 27, 2020 by MAEE Administration
Category: Minnesota Association for Environmental Education
Engage with Nature: Connecting with Citizen Science
Saturday, October 10, 2020
8:00 AM-2:00 PM
Virtual Conference Schedule:
Join Minnesota Association for Environmental Education (MAEE) for our annual conference virtually this year! MAEE is excited to connect participants with local citizen and community science projects including Monarch Conservation, Carp Tracking, Pesky Plant Tracker, Citizen Water Monitoring, iNaturalist, and Worm Rangers. Keynote presenter Carrol Henderson will take us on a dive into the history of local citizen science, as well as give us some perspective from his personal experience as a renowned hero for Minnesota wildlife. We will break out into sessions to learn more about the projects from the experts who facilitate the work and have a chance to discuss and ask questions. Over lunch, we will play Nature Trivia for some fun (family members invited!) and participants are welcomed to take part in a MAEE strategic planning meeting. Earn up to 8 CEUs for training time and attendance during the conference.
Let’s face it, many of us are spending more time at home with more time on our hands than we may have planned for this summer. The MAEE virtual conference is an opportunity for participants to embrace local citizen and community science projects on their own time and in their own space AND connect with others in the environmental education community who are doing the same thing!
How will it work: First, registrants will pick one or two projects during online registration. The next step will be to get trained in by the facilitator via online videos, fact sheets and more. Then it’s time to go out in the field and partake in some citizen science! During this time frame (late July through early October) participants will be connected with each other and the facilitator via Slack. The virtual “meet up” will be on Saturday, October 10th. It is a half-day online conference for people to learn, network, and connect with one another over local science.
Get the conference started with Global Coffee Talk!
Grab a cup of coffee and join local and national experts as we discuss current and changing terminology when it comes to Citizen Science! We will be joined by Andrea Lorek Stauss, University of Minnesota Extension Educator, and Jennifer Shirk, Executive Director of the Citizen Science Association. Registration for Global Coffee Talk is part of your conference registration, but you can also register for this discussion separately for free...so invite your colleagues and friends! Each registration for this event (including full conference) will be entered into a prize drawing!