Event Entry form The EE Portal @MAEE members can post an event at no charge. If your nonprofit is not currently a member, but you would like to join, please contact us. If your event is ongoing, please submit a post for each date. Title*AudienceGeneral PublicEducatorEvent DateEvent Start TimeEvent End TimeAdditional informationCost?Venue name and Street AddressCityDescription Event linkMAEE PartnerSelect MAEE partner organization10 Acre Wood Nature PreschoolAgassiz Audubon CenterAgassiz Environmental Learning CenterAitkin CountyAldo Leopold Nature CenterAmerican Lung Association of MinnesotaAmpactAnoka CountyAssociate Director of EduationAuto DraftBecker County Environmental ServicesBell Museum of Natural HistoryBeltrami Soil and WaterBemidji State UniversityBoulder Lake Environmental Learning CenterBroken Paddle Guiding CompanyCamp Fire MinnesotaCampus DirectorCapitol Region Watershed DistrictCaponi Art Park and Learning CenterCarpenter St. Croix Valley Nature CenterCascade Meadow Wetlands & Environmental Science CenterCedar Creek Ecosystem Science ReserveCenter for Energy and EnvironmentCenter for Global Environmental EducationChik-Wauk Museum and Nature CenterChildren's Country Day SchoolChippewa SWCDCity of SuperiorCLASS5 EnergyClean River PartnersClean Water Action Alliance of MinnesotaClearwater FarmClimate Generation: A Will Steger LegacyCLIMB TheatreCollege of Food, Agriculture and Natural Resource SciencesCollege of St. ScholasticaCommunities for Responsible Energy Environmental DemonstrationCommunity Engagement CoordinatorCommunity Engagement CoordinatorComo Park Zoo and Conservatorycompare cialiscompare cialisConservation ConversationsConservation CorpsDakota CountyDakota County Historical SocietyDeep Portage Learning CenterDetroit Lakes Wetlands Management DistrictDirectorDirector of Camp BoveyDirector of Talent StrategyDo It Green! MinnesotaDodge Nature CenterDovetail Partners Inc.Dragonfly Environmental Education, Ami Thompson Consulting LLCEagle Bluff Environmental Learning CenterEastman Nature CenterEco EducationEcoElsa LLCEducation ManagerEducation Operations ManagerEnergy Efficient Ely (E3)Eureka RecyclingExecutive DirectorFreshwater SocietyFriends of the Boundary Waters WildernessFriends of the Mississippi RiverGale Woods FarmGardening MattersGeological Society of MinnesotaGraduate Residency ProgramGraduate Residency ProgramGreat Lakes AquariumGreat River GreeningHamden Slough National Wildlife RefugeHamline University School of EducationHappy Dancing TurtleHarriet Alexander Nature CenterHartley Nature CenterHawk Ridge Bird ObservatoryHeadwaters Science CenterHennepin County Environment and EnergyHennepin County Environmental ServicesHennepin County Human Services & Public Health Dept.Heron Lake Watershed DistrictHouston Nature CenterHR ManagerInternational Wolf CenterJane Goodall InstituteJay C. Hormel Nature CenterJeffers FoundationKids for Saving Earth WorldwideLake Superior ReserveLake Superior ZooLaurentian Environmental CenterLeave No Trace Center for Outdoor EthicsLegislative-Citizen Commission on Minnesota ResourcesLeopold Education ProjectLong Lake Conservation CenterLowry Nature CenterLuther Crest Environmental ProgramMaplewood Nature CenterMcColl Pond Environmental Learning CenterMetropolitan CouncilMetropolitan Mosquito Control DistrictMidwest Food ConnectionMinneapolis Park and Recreation BoardMinnesota Aquatic Invasive Species Research CenterMinnesota Association for Environmental EducationMinnesota Children's MuseumMinnesota Department of AgricultureMinnesota Department of CommerceMinnesota Department of EducationMinnesota Department of HealthMinnesota Department of Natural ResourcesMinnesota Department of TransportationMinnesota Dragonfly SocietyMinnesota Environmental InitiativeMinnesota GreenCorps ProgramMinnesota Historical SocietyMinnesota Landscape ArboretumMinnesota Naturalists' AssociationMinnesota Pollution Control AgencyMinnesota Sea GrantMinnesota Technical Assistance Program (MnTAP)Minnesota Trout UnlimitedMinnesota Valley National Wildlife RefugeMinnesota Waste WiseMinnesota WatersMinnesota Zoological GardenMississippi Headwaters Audubon SocietyMississippi Headwaters BoardMN GreenStep SchoolsMonarch LabMonk Botanical GardensMWMONANational Eagle CenterNational Park ServiceNatural InnovationsNatural Science AcademyNeighborhood Energy ConnectionNeighborhood ForestNey Nature CenterNine Mile Creek Watershed DistrictNoneNorth House Folk SchoolNorth Lakes Academy Charter SchoolOakdale Discovery CenterOlmsted CountyOperations DirectorOrganics RecyclingOsprey Wilds Environmental LearnOsprey Wilds Environmental Learning CenterOwner/EducatorPezuta Zizi Cultural & Environmental Learning CenterPrairie Ecology Bus CenterPrairie Wetlands Learning CenterPrairie Woods Environmental Learning CenterPrior Lake-Spring Lake Watershed DistrictProject Get Outdoors, Inc.Project Wingspan - MinnesotaPutting Green Environmental Adventure ParkQuarry Hill Nature CenterRainy River Community CollegeRamsey CountyRaptor CenterReading & Math, Inc.REcharge LabsRecycling Association of MinnesotaRed Wing Environmental Learning CenterRice Creek Watershed DistrictRichardson Nature CenterRiver Bend Nature CenterRiver KeepersSaint John's Outdoor University (formerly Saint John's Arboretum)School of Environmental StudiesScience Museum of MinnesotaScience Outside the BoxScott CountySEA LIFE Minnesota AquariumSEMREX (Southeast Minnesota Recyclers Exchange)Sharing Environmental Education Knowledge (SEEK)Sierra ClubSilverwood ParkSpark-YSpringbrook Nature CenterSt. Croix Environmental CenterSt. Paul Parks and RecreationSTARBASE MinnesotaSTEM EducationSugarloaf: The North Shore Stewardship AssociationSummer Camp and Outdoor Education DirectorSustainability Educationtadalafil natural substituteTamarac National Wildlife RefugeTamarack Nature CenterThe Gunflint Trail Historical SocietyThe Loppet FoundationThe Nature ConservancyThe Raptor Center - University of MinnesotaThree Rivers Park DistrictTree TrustTwin Cities Environmental Education Consulting, LLCTwin Cities Public TelevisionUncategorizedUniversity of Minnesota DuluthUniversity of Minnesota ExtensionUS Environmental Protection AgencyUSDA Forest ServiceVadnais Lake Area Water Management Organization (VLAWMO)Vermilion Community CollegeVinland CenterVolunteer & Outreach CoordinatorVoyageurs ConservancyWargo Nature CenterWarner Nature CenterWashington Conservation DistrictWashington CountyWashington County ParksWater Resources SpecialistWestern Lake Superior Sanitary District (WLSSD)Westwood Hills Nature CenterWild Rivers ConservancyWildlife ForeverWildlife Science CenterWolf Ridge Environmental Learning CenterWomen's Environmental NetworkWood Lake Nature CenterXcel EnergyYMCA of the NorthYouth Energy Summit (YES!)Zumbro Watershed PartnershipPartner Contact informationSubmit
Event Entry form
The EE Portal @MAEE members can post an event at no charge. If your nonprofit is not currently a member, but you would like to join, please contact us.